Monday, January 25, 2021

Madrid Spain Remar ONG - International NGO Tips from Social Worker for Changing Life

Madrid Spain Remar ONG social workers several types of social workers specializing in different areas of practice, helping different groups overcome their own unique struggles. Encouraging for aspiring social workers like yourself. But which area of social work would be the best fit for you to live an impact life.

Types of social workers making a difference in the world

Social work provides students with the knowledge, skills and values to apply across contexts, communities and populations. However, there are various specialties social workers can pursue throughout their career.

1. Substance abuse social worker

Substance abuse social worker work in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities to assist those struggling with addiction, substance abuse or mental health problems. They work to provide short- and long-term solutions, offering resources and assessing everything from discharge plans to medicinal options.

By providing stability and support, this type of social worker helps individuals explore ways to overcome their addiction or work through an acute mental condition and ultimately lead as healthy a life as possible.

2. Community social worker

Community social worker help plan, coordinate and organize efforts related to specific local populations. They also work with community-based nonprofit organizations to help counsel families and neighborhoods in the wake of tragedies and natural disasters. These professionals also work to solve local issues through community outreach, applying to grants and speaking with local politicians.

3. Hospice & palliative care social worker

When a family receives the devastating news of a terminal illness or a bleak prognosis, hospice and palliative care social workers can help ease the agony of the painful process for all involved. This type of social worker helps care for someone who is seriously or terminally ill, helping to provide pain relief, assist with difficult decision-making and improve quality of life for patients.

Their services go beyond the patients themselves, however, and also extend to patients’ family and friends. They assist these individuals with the trauma associated with having a sick loved one.

4. Military & veterans social worker

Military & veterans social worker can help soldiers, either veteran or active duty, work through their feelings and adjust to life and family outside combat. The stress of military duty can cause turmoil within the lives of soldiers and their families.

5. Child, family & school social worker

Child, family & school social worker handles all sorts of situations involving youth. They may help a child who has experienced trauma or abuse, or assist parents in acquiring resources for their child who is suffering from a mental illness.

6. Psychiatric social worker

patients who have received mental health services in a hospital setting, it might be difficult for them or their family members to know where to turn after hospitalization. These social workers provide therapy and assess the psychiatric health of their patients. They work with the individual’s family to make referrals, provide resources, and understand legalities and long-term care options.

7. Healthcare social worker

healthcare industry and help patients navigate the emotional, physical and financial hardships associated with serious medical conditions. Patients that are in and out of hospitals with chronic or terminal medical conditions may be overwhelmed with turmoil. They and their family may not know what to expect.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Madrid Spain Remar ONG - International NGO Social Worker Tips for Success

Remar ONG social workers help clients who face a disability or a life-threatening disease or a social problem, such as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse. Some social workers conduct research, advocate for improved services, engage in systems design or are involved in planning or policy development. Many social workers specialize in serving a particular population or working in a specific setting.

1. Be yourself – Regardless of where you are working, you were employed for your interesting abilities, encounters, and qualities. There are many qualified advisors and social workers in your community, however your manager or your customers picked you specifically.

2. Be present – Being available at this time is perhaps the best blessing you can give yourself and your customers. Attempt to do each thing in turn. Clear your mind and really sit with your customers.

3. Take advantage of learning opportunities – In the event that you approach clinical oversight, meetings, case counsel gatherings, or trainings through your manager – GO! Exploit all that you can. These are important chances. What's more, on the off chance that you are independently employed or don't have a business who is strong of these chances, I actually propose utilizing your own time or assets to join in.

4. Be confident – Is it accurate to say that you fear committing an error? Do you feel uncertain of your abilities? Have you ever had a customer inquire as to whether you're apprehensive? Indeed, I did and I was humiliated. I work with a ton of assistants from the get-go in their professions who feel uncertain. You don't need to know it all to be a good social worker. Odds are that you realize more than you understand. Lift your head high and act with certainty.

5. Set clear boundaries – Defining clear limits with your customers and your boss is fundamental to dodge burnout. From the earliest starting point, be sure about what days/hours you will work, who is covering for you night-time or when you are holiday. Keep space between your own life and work life.

6. Get support – Clinical work is emotionally stressful. Be sure to connect with supportive colleagues or a professional therapist to support you with the emotions that will come up doing clinical work.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Remar ONG - Know How International Social Worker dedicar su vida

Remar ONG Los trabajadores sociales ayudan a las personas necesitadas. Esto puede significar brindar servicios directamente a las personas que enfrentan una serie de desafíos, desde el abuso hasta los trastornos de salud, o puede significar trabajar para que el cambio mejore. Está interesado en dedicar su vida al bienestar y el progreso de los demás, pruebe estos diez rasgos esenciales de los trabajadores sociales exitosos.

1. empático

La característica más importante de un trabajador social es su empatía. La gran mayoría de las personas con las que trabaja se encuentran en un estado de crisis y angustia emocional. Por lo tanto, debe poder ofrecerles un entorno afectuoso, comprensivo y empoderador.

2. paciente

El trabajo social requiere paciencia. Los casos son a menudo complejos, pueden involucrar a muchas partes diferentes con objetivos dispares y no se producen cambios serios de la noche a la mañana. Y las personas con las que trata no son necesariamente conversadoras, ansiosas o incluso capaces de pedir directamente lo que necesitan.

3. confiable

La confianza es clave. Los trabajadores sociales exitosos se ganan la confianza de sus clientes siendo honestos, abiertos y confiables. En caso de crisis, sus clientes lo buscarán en busca de asesoramiento y orientación en asuntos personales, legales y de otro tipo, y su opinión pesa más si confían en usted.

4. Organizado

Estar organizado ayudará a cualquiera a tener éxito, pero para los trabajadores sociales es particularmente importante. Es posible que esté lidiando con una gran cantidad de casos, por lo que la administración del tiempo, la toma de notas clara y un sistema de archivo lógico son absolutamente necesarios. Una mente despejada y un escritorio en orden van de la mano; lo último que desea hacer es agregar estrés a su día porque no puede encontrar la carpeta de clientes adecuada.

5. Perceptivo

Los trabajadores sociales exitosos son excelentes comunicadores, especialmente cuando se trata de escuchar. Sus clientes confiarán en usted para escuchar sus problemas, tanto lo que están diciendo como entre líneas, para asesorarlos y decidir las mejores opciones de acción. Necesita poder observar con habilidad y escuchar atentamente.

6. objetivo

Los clientes necesitan que usted mantenga la calma para ayudarlos a lidiar con sus situaciones difíciles. Por lo tanto, sus sentimientos personales no pueden anular su capacidad para tomar decisiones informadas e imparciales en nombre de sus clientes.

7. Persistente

Los trabajadores sociales exitosos saben que no todo siempre sale de acuerdo al plan. No puedes renunciar a ti mismo ni a tus clientes. Acepte los reveses por lo que son, reveses, no derrotas, y siga intentándolo. Para que lo sigan cuando se encarguen de manejar nuevos desafíos en el futuro.

8. Flexible

Los trabajadores sociales exitosos son flexibles y se sienten cómodos trabajando de guardia, para que puedan responder a situaciones de emergencia. Al mismo tiempo, debe tener cuidado de no sobrecargarse. Los trabajadores sociales pueden tener dificultades para decir "no" a los demás, pero para evitar el agotamiento debe poder establecer límites.

9. resiliente

Los trabajadores sociales ven casos difíciles todos los días, y esto inevitablemente pone a prueba su fuerza emocional. Sus clientes pueden estar lidiando con abuso físico o mental, drogas, alcoholismo, pobreza, dificultades financieras, duelo o una serie de otros eventos desafiantes de la vida.

10. conducido

No solo ofrece asistencia inmediata, sino que también está en condiciones de enseñar a sus clientes habilidades para la vida y ver cómo las ponen en práctica. Eso en sí mismo es increíblemente satisfactorio. Pero la carrera también se está agotando. Los trabajadores sociales exitosos están altamente motivados para ingresar a su campo, y usted debe encontrar una manera de recargar sus baterías a lo largo de su carrera. El cuidado personal es extremadamente importante: dormir lo suficiente, comer bien, hacer ejercicio con regularidad y encontrar salidas y pasatiempos fuera de su trabajo.